Important Notices

New LCA monthly meeting format

LCA board meetings will be cancelled during this stay-at-home time. We usually meet at the school, and have decided against “virtual” meetings. We’ll be in touch by email and phone, so let any board member know of any questions or concerns.

Spring Litter Clean Up Postponed

LitterCancel-square-2020The annual LCA Spring Litter Pickup has been postponed, on advice of the Northampton Health Department. But we all know the litter is still out there, so we’ll let you know when we have a new date.

Stay tuned for news about our Memorial Service at the Veteran’s Park across from Leeds School. Like other years, we hope this can still be held on the Sunday before Memorial Day, to honor of Leeds Veterans. If the Memorial Day Parade in Florence is still on, we’ll expect to go ahead.

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