LCA Meeting February 22, 2023

LCA Meeting 02/22/2023



Earl Munier

David Rondina

Karyn Nelson

Heidi Stevens

Penny Geis

Marc Freedman




MF presented January minutes, approved


Treasurer’s Report

KN – checking $1,345 income Oct 01 – Jan 3 1

Checking Bal $7,075

Hotel Bridge $12,361

We need to keep a balance below $30,000, need ideas to spend money 

DR: we could make a donation to the Bradford Memorial principle

~ made a motion to donate $1,000 to Bradford memorial – approved


Pizza Party

DR: talks to the Elks, at the time April 30 and May 6th

Price is $200 – $300. 

DR: to confirm for Saturday April 29th

Time: 4:30 – 7:30

Pizza, pot luck dessert

KN: maybe set up a sign up genius for dessert and games ( wii, kareoke ??

We need to find a dj

50/50 raffle

HS to buy 5 copies of each Leeds book, motioned approved


Hotel Bridge

KN: GPI is working on revised bid document to enlarge the scope


Membership renewal

HS: 60 family, 2 business, donations 25 families


Mulberry st lights

HS: check barn for tubs


Spring Litter Pick Up

Saturday April 22nd


Village wide yard sale


HS to check with Tom Rocket which date works best



Bank signature

KN will reach out to Sue to take her off, then put MF on

Meeting adjourn 8:23

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