LCA Meeting October 12, 2023

LCA Meeting Ocr 12, 2023


Penny Geis (PG)
Earl Munier (EM)
Tim Recuber (TR)
Heidi Stevens (HS)
Marc Freedman (MF)
Karyn Nelson (KN)

Minutes (MF) were preseted and approved

Treasusres Rereport (KN)
Checking $4,962.00
Savings $12,365

Street Lights (PG)
Mainly from Leslie Chalmer concerbed about the street light shining in her room. She contacted city hall and a visor/ blinder installed
KN theres a city website about the street lights where you can request light service, repair, replace, visor

Seasonal Parking (KN) Donna put on back burner until further notice

Light on flag pole
KN to call Don Judge to install solar light on flag pole
KN Could we have a light installed on an adjacent pole

Pumpkin Party
Grills donations

Pizza Party
Possible dates ealy March 4th or 11th
HS to contact David about booking
Elks club

Holiday lights
HS have them up before thanksgiving

Adjourn: 7:55

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